
Roadside Mowing

Did you know that roadside grass is actually a special mix of seeds specifically laid down after construction?

This mix, developed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation specifically for reclaiming land along roadsides, is a blend of a number of different species: Kentucky Bluegrass, Creeping Red Fescue, White Clover, and Perennial Ryegrass. It’s designed to provide quick cover that then gets filled in behind. It’s great at preventing soil erosion along roads to prevent land degradation that can harm roads. However, it’s also good at staying where it is, leading many to think it doesn’t require maintenance.

To keep this mix of grasses at an appropriate length, trust the Forest City Landworks team with regularly-scheduled roadside mowing. Our mowing and mulching experts can get at these hard-to-mow places with the proper equipment, so you’re not taking the risk or jamming up your equipment.


Roadside Mowing

Did you know that roadside grass is actually a special mix of seeds specifically laid down after construction?

This mix, developed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation specifically for reclaiming land along roadsides, is a blend of a number of different species: Kentucky Bluegrass, Creeping Red Fescue, White Clover, and Perennial Ryegrass. It’s designed to provide quick cover that then gets filled in behind. It’s great at preventing soil erosion along roads to prevent land degradation that can harm roads. However, it’s also good at staying where it is, leading many to think it doesn’t require maintenance.

To keep this mix of grasses at an appropriate length, trust the Forest City Landworks team with regularly-scheduled roadside mowing. Our mowing and mulching experts can get at these hard-to-mow places with the proper equipment, so you’re not taking the risk or jamming up your equipment.

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